/* This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
* warranty. In no event will the author be held liable for any
* damages arising from the use of this software.
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any
* purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and
* redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you
* must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use
* this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product
* documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
* 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and
* must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
* 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
* distribution without the copyright holder's permission.
/* Program code Copyright 2001, 2002 Henri Sivonen
* Attribute and element rules and entity names are based on
* data from http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/sgml/dtd.html
* However, the element and attribute rules don't match
* the rules of the DTD exactly.
* Documentation: /HTMLSyntaxChecker
class HTMLSyntaxChecker {
/* "private" fields */
var $htmlError;
var $htmlResult;
/* these really should be static... */
var $entities;
var $attlist;
var $dtd;
var $empty;
/* public accessors */
function getResult() {
return $this->htmlResult;
function getError() {
return $this->htmlError;
function succeeded() {
if($this->htmlError == null) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
function HTMLSyntaxChecker(&$taggedText, $rootModel) {
/* these really should be in a static initializer... */
$this->entities = array(
'quot' => 1,
'amp' => 1,
'lt' => 1,
'gt' => 1,
'OElig' => 1,
'oelig' => 1,
'Scaron' => 1,
'scaron' => 1,
'Yuml' => 1,
'circ' => 1,
'tilde' => 1,
'ensp' => 1,
'emsp' => 1,
'thinsp' => 1,
'zwnj' => 1,
'zwj' => 1,
'lrm' => 1,
'rlm' => 1,
'ndash' => 1,
'mdash' => 1,
'lsquo' => 1,
'rsquo' => 1,
'sbquo' => 1,
'ldquo' => 1,
'rdquo' => 1,
'bdquo' => 1,
'dagger' => 1,
'Dagger' => 1,
'permil' => 1,
'lsaquo' => 1,
'rsaquo' => 1,
'euro' => 1,
'fnof' => 1,
'Alpha' => 1,
'Beta' => 1,
'Gamma' => 1,
'Delta' => 1,
'Epsilon' => 1,
'Zeta' => 1,
'Eta' => 1,
'Theta' => 1,
'Iota' => 1,
'Kappa' => 1,
'Lambda' => 1,
'Mu' => 1,
'Nu' => 1,
'Xi' => 1,
'Omicron' => 1,
'Pi' => 1,
'Rho' => 1,
'Sigma' => 1,
'Tau' => 1,
'Upsilon' => 1,
'Phi' => 1,
'Chi' => 1,
'Psi' => 1,
'Omega' => 1,
'alpha' => 1,
'beta' => 1,
'gamma' => 1,
'delta' => 1,
'epsilon' => 1,
'zeta' => 1,
'eta' => 1,
'theta' => 1,
'iota' => 1,
'kappa' => 1,
'lambda' => 1,
'mu' => 1,
'nu' => 1,
'xi' => 1,
'omicron' => 1,
'pi' => 1,
'rho' => 1,
'sigmaf' => 1,
'sigma' => 1,
'tau' => 1,
'upsilon' => 1,
'phi' => 1,
'chi' => 1,
'psi' => 1,
'omega' => 1,
'thetasym' => 1,
'upsih' => 1,
'piv' => 1,
'bull' => 1,
'hellip' => 1,
'prime' => 1,
'Prime' => 1,
'oline' => 1,
'frasl' => 1,
'weierp' => 1,
'image' => 1,
'real' => 1,
'trade' => 1,
'alefsym' => 1,
'larr' => 1,
'uarr' => 1,
'rarr' => 1,
'darr' => 1,
'harr' => 1,
'crarr' => 1,
'lArr' => 1,
'uArr' => 1,
'rArr' => 1,
'dArr' => 1,
'hArr' => 1,
'forall' => 1,
'part' => 1,
'exist' => 1,
'empty' => 1,
'nabla' => 1,
'isin' => 1,
'notin' => 1,
'ni' => 1,
'prod' => 1,
'sum' => 1,
'minus' => 1,
'lowast' => 1,
'radic' => 1,
'prop' => 1,
'infin' => 1,
'ang' => 1,
'and' => 1,
'or' => 1,
'cap' => 1,
'cup' => 1,
'int' => 1,
'there4' => 1,
'sim' => 1,
'cong' => 1,
'asymp' => 1,
'ne' => 1,
'equiv' => 1,
'le' => 1,
'ge' => 1,
'sub' => 1,
'sup' => 1,
'nsub' => 1,
'sube' => 1,
'supe' => 1,
'oplus' => 1,
'otimes' => 1,
'perp' => 1,
'sdot' => 1,
'lceil' => 1,
'rceil' => 1,
'lfloor' => 1,
'rfloor' => 1,
'lang' => 1,
'rang' => 1,
'loz' => 1,
'spades' => 1,
'clubs' => 1,
'hearts' => 1,
'diams' => 1,
'nbsp' => 1,
'iexcl' => 1,
'cent' => 1,
'pound' => 1,
'curren' => 1,
'yen' => 1,
'brvbar' => 1,
'sect' => 1,
'uml' => 1,
'copy' => 1,
'ordf' => 1,
'laquo' => 1,
'not' => 1,
'shy' => 1,
'reg' => 1,
'macr' => 1,
'deg' => 1,
'plusmn' => 1,
'sup2' => 1,
'sup3' => 1,
'acute' => 1,
'micro' => 1,
'para' => 1,
'middot' => 1,
'cedil' => 1,
'sup1' => 1,
'ordm' => 1,
'raquo' => 1,
'frac14' => 1,
'frac12' => 1,
'frac34' => 1,
'iquest' => 1,
'Agrave' => 1,
'Aacute' => 1,
'Acirc' => 1,
'Atilde' => 1,
'Auml' => 1,
'Aring' => 1,
'AElig' => 1,
'Ccedil' => 1,
'Egrave' => 1,
'Eacute' => 1,
'Ecirc' => 1,
'Euml' => 1,
'Igrave' => 1,
'Iacute' => 1,
'Icirc' => 1,
'Iuml' => 1,
'ETH' => 1,
'Ntilde' => 1,
'Ograve' => 1,
'Oacute' => 1,
'Ocirc' => 1,
'Otilde' => 1,
'Ouml' => 1,
'times' => 1,
'Oslash' => 1,
'Ugrave' => 1,
'Uacute' => 1,
'Ucirc' => 1,
'Uuml' => 1,
'Yacute' => 1,
'THORN' => 1,
'szlig' => 1,
'agrave' => 1,
'aacute' => 1,
'acirc' => 1,
'atilde' => 1,
'auml' => 1,
'aring' => 1,
'aelig' => 1,
'ccedil' => 1,
'egrave' => 1,
'eacute' => 1,
'ecirc' => 1,
'euml' => 1,
'igrave' => 1,
'iacute' => 1,
'icirc' => 1,
'iuml' => 1,
'eth' => 1,
'ntilde' => 1,
'ograve' => 1,
'oacute' => 1,
'ocirc' => 1,
'otilde' => 1,
'ouml' => 1,
'divide' => 1,
'oslash' => 1,
'ugrave' => 1,
'uacute' => 1,
'ucirc' => 1,
'uuml' => 1,
'yacute' => 1,
'thorn' => 1,
'yuml' => 1
$attrs = array(
'class' => 1,
/* 'style' => 1, */
'title' => 1,
'lang' => 1
$quoteattrs = array(
'class' => 1,
/* 'style' => 1, */
'title' => 1,
'lang' => 1,
'cite' => 1
$this->attlist['p'] = $attrs;
$this->attlist['h1'] = $attrs;
$this->attlist['h2'] = $attrs;
$this->attlist['h3'] = $attrs;
$this->attlist['h4'] = $attrs;
$this->attlist['h5'] = $attrs;
$this->attlist['h6'] = $attrs;
$this->attlist['ol'] = $attrs;
$this->attlist['ul'] = $attrs;
$this->attlist['dl'] = $attrs;
$this->attlist['div'] = $attrs;
$this->attlist['blockquote'] = $quoteattrs;
$this->attlist['address'] = $attrs;
/* list items */
$this->attlist['li'] = $attrs;
$this->attlist['dd'] = $attrs;
$this->attlist['dt'] = $attrs;
/* inline excl big, small, formctrl, various special */
$this->attlist['tt'] = $attrs;
$this->attlist['i'] = $attrs;
$this->attlist['b'] = $attrs;
$this->attlist['em'] = $attrs;
$this->attlist['strong'] = $attrs;
$this->attlist['dfn'] = $attrs;
$this->attlist['code'] = $attrs;
$this->attlist['samp'] = $attrs;
$this->attlist['kbd'] = $attrs;
$this->attlist['var'] = $attrs;
$this->attlist['cite'] = $attrs;
$this->attlist['abbr'] = $attrs;
$this->attlist['acronym'] = $attrs;
$this->attlist['a'] = array(
'id' => 1,
'class' => 1,
/* 'style' => 1, */
'title' => 1,
'lang' => 1,
'charset' => 1,
'type' => 1,
'name' => 1,
'href' => 1,
'hreflang' => 1,
'rel' => 1,
'rev' => 1,
'accesskey' => 1,
'shape' => 1,
'coords' => 1,
'tabindex' => 1
$this->attlist['img'] = array(
'class' => 1,
/* 'style' => 1, */
'title' => 1,
'lang' => 1,
'src' => 1,
'alt' => 1,
'longdesc' => 1,
'name' => 1,
'height' => 1,
'width' => 1,
'usemap' => 1
$this->attlist['q'] = $quoteattrs;
$this->attlist['sub'] = $attrs;
$this->attlist['sup'] = $attrs;
$this->attlist['br'] = array();
$this->attlist['object'] = array(
'class' => 1,
/* 'style' => 1, */
'title' => 1,
'lang' => 1,
'classid' => 1,
'codebase' => 1,
'data' => 1,
'type' => 1,
'codetype' => 1,
'archive' => 1,
'standby' => 1,
'height' => 1,
'width' => 1,
'usemap' => 1,
'name' => 1,
'tabindex' => 1
$this->attlist['param'] = array(
'id' => 1,
'name' => 1,
'value' => 1,
'valuetype' => 1,
'type' => 1
$this->attlist['map'] = array(
'id' => 1,
'class' => 1,
/* 'style' => 1, */
'title' => 1,
'lang' => 1,
'name' => 1
$this->attlist['area'] = array(
'class' => 1,
/* 'style' => 1, */
'title' => 1,
'lang' => 1,
'shape' => 1,
'coords' => 1,
'href' => 1,
'alt' => 1,
'tabindex' => 1,
'accesskey' => 1
/* tables */
$this->attlist['table'] = array(
'class' => 1,
/* 'style' => 1, */
'title' => 1,
'lang' => 1,
'summary' => 1,
'width' => 1,
'border' => 1,
'frame' => 1,
'rules' => 1,
'cellspacing' => 1,
'cellpadding' => 1
$this->attlist['tr'] = array(
'class' => 1,
/* 'style' => 1, */
'title' => 1,
'lang' => 1,
'align' => 1,
'char' => 1,
'charoff' => 1,
'valign' => 1
$this->attlist['td'] = array(
'id' => 1,
'class' => 1,
/* 'style' => 1, */
'title' => 1,
'lang' => 1,
'align' => 1,
'char' => 1,
'charoff' => 1,
'valign' => 1,
'abbr' => 1,
'axis' => 1,
'headers' => 1,
'scope' => 1,
'rowspan' => 1,
'colspan' => 1
$this->attlist['th'] = array(
'id' => 1,
'class' => 1,
/* 'style' => 1, */
'title' => 1,
'lang' => 1,
'align' => 1,
'char' => 1,
'charoff' => 1,
'valign' => 1,
'abbr' => 1,
'axis' => 1,
'headers' => 1,
'scope' => 1,
'rowspan' => 1,
'colspan' => 1
/* block excl form, pre, scripting, hr */
$block = array(
'p' => 1,
'h1' => 1,
'h2' => 1,
'h3' => 1,
'h4' => 1,
'h5' => 1,
'h6' => 1,
'ol' => 1,
'ul' => 1,
'dl' => 1,
'div' => 1,
'blockquote' => 1,
'address' => 1,
'table' => 1
/* inline excl big, small, formctrl, various special */
$inline = array(
'PCDATA' => 1,
'tt' => 1,
'i' => 1,
'b' => 1,
'em' => 1,
'strong' => 1,
'dfn' => 1,
'code' => 1,
'samp' => 1,
'kbd' => 1,
'var' => 1,
'cite' => 1,
'abbr' => 1,
'acronym' => 1,
'a' => 1,
'img' => 1,
'q' => 1,
'sub' => 1,
'sup' => 1,
'map' => 1,
'object' => 1
$inlinebr = array(
'PCDATA' => 1,
'tt' => 1,
'i' => 1,
'b' => 1,
'em' => 1,
'strong' => 1,
'dfn' => 1,
'code' => 1,
'samp' => 1,
'kbd' => 1,
'var' => 1,
'cite' => 1,
'abbr' => 1,
'acronym' => 1,
'a' => 1,
'img' => 1,
'q' => 1,
'sub' => 1,
'sup' => 1,
'br' => 1,
'map' => 1,
'object' => 1
$codekbdsamp = array(
'PCDATA' => 1,
'br' => 1,
'i' => 1,
'b' => 1,
'em' => 1,
'strong' => 1,
'dfn' => 1,
'code' => 1,
'samp' => 1,
'kbd' => 1,
'var' => 1,
'cite' => 1,
'abbr' => 1,
'acronym' => 1,
'a' => 1,
'q' => 1,
'sub' => 1,
'sup' => 1
$flow = array(
'PCDATA' => 1,
'tt' => 1,
'i' => 1,
'b' => 1,
'em' => 1,
'strong' => 1,
'dfn' => 1,
'code' => 1,
'samp' => 1,
'kbd' => 1,
'var' => 1,
'cite' => 1,
'abbr' => 1,
'acronym' => 1,
'a' => 1,
'img' => 1,
'q' => 1,
'sub' => 1,
'sup' => 1,
'p' => 1,
'h1' => 1,
'h2' => 1,
'h3' => 1,
'h4' => 1,
'h5' => 1,
'h6' => 1,
'ol' => 1,
'ul' => 1,
'dl' => 1,
'div' => 1,
'blockquote' => 1,
'address' => 1,
'map' => 1,
'object' => 1,
'table' => 1
$this->empty = array('img' => 1, 'br' => 1, 'param' => 1, 'area' => 1);
/* block excl form, pre, scripting, hr */
$this->dtd['p'] = $inline;
$this->dtd['h1'] = $inlinebr;
$this->dtd['h2'] = $inlinebr;
$this->dtd['h3'] = $inlinebr;
$this->dtd['h4'] = $inlinebr;
$this->dtd['h5'] = $inlinebr;
$this->dtd['h6'] = $inlinebr;
$this->dtd['ol'] = array('li' => 1);
$this->dtd['ul'] = array('li' => 1);
$this->dtd['dl'] = array('dt' => 1, 'dd' => 1);
$this->dtd['div'] = $flow;
$this->dtd['blockquote'] = $block;
$this->dtd['address'] = $inlinebr;
/* list items */
$this->dtd['li'] = $flow;
$this->dtd['dd'] = $flow;
$this->dtd['dt'] = $inline;
/* inline excl big, small, formctrl, various special */
$this->dtd['tt'] = $inline;
$this->dtd['i'] = $inline;
$this->dtd['b'] = $inline;
$this->dtd['em'] = $inline;
$this->dtd['strong'] = $inline;
$this->dtd['dfn'] = $inline;
$this->dtd['code'] = $codekbdsamp;
$this->dtd['samp'] = $codekbdsamp;
$this->dtd['kbd'] = $codekbdsamp;
$this->dtd['var'] = $inline;
$this->dtd['cite'] = $inline;
$this->dtd['abbr'] = $inline;
$this->dtd['acronym'] = $inline;
$this->dtd['a'] = $inline; /* a in a handled elsewhere */
/* $this->dtd['img'] = $inline; */
$this->dtd['q'] = $inline;
$this->dtd['sub'] = $inline;
$this->dtd['sup'] = $inline;
$this->dtd['map'] = array(
'p' => 1,
'h1' => 1,
'h2' => 1,
'h3' => 1,
'h4' => 1,
'h5' => 1,
'h6' => 1,
'ol' => 1,
'ul' => 1,
'dl' => 1,
'div' => 1,
'blockquote' => 1,
'address' => 1,
'table' => 1,
'area' => 1
$this->dtd['object'] = array(
'PCDATA' => 1,
'tt' => 1,
'i' => 1,
'b' => 1,
'em' => 1,
'strong' => 1,
'dfn' => 1,
'code' => 1,
'samp' => 1,
'kbd' => 1,
'var' => 1,
'cite' => 1,
'abbr' => 1,
'acronym' => 1,
'a' => 1,
'img' => 1,
'q' => 1,
'sub' => 1,
'sup' => 1,
'p' => 1,
'h1' => 1,
'h2' => 1,
'h3' => 1,
'h4' => 1,
'h5' => 1,
'h6' => 1,
'ol' => 1,
'ul' => 1,
'dl' => 1,
'div' => 1,
'blockquote' => 1,
'address' => 1,
'map' => 1,
'object' => 1,
'table' => 1,
'param' => 1
/* basic tables */
$this->dtd[table] = array('tr' => 1);
$this->dtd[tr] = array('td' => 1, 'th' => 1);
$this->dtd[td] = $flow;
$this->dtd[th] = $flow;
/* root models */
$this->dtd['BLOCK'] = $block;
$this->dtd['INLINE'] = $inline;
$this->dtd['INLINEBR'] = $inlinebr;
$this->dtd['FLOW'] = $flow;
$this->dtd['TEXT'] = array('PCDATA' => 1);
$this->htmlError = null;
$this->htmlResult = $this->checkHTMLsyntax($taggedText, $rootModel);
function isGoodPCDATA(&$str, $context) {
$ltindex = strpos($str, '<', 0);
if(!($ltindex === false)) {
$this->signalError("< is not allowed here.", ($context . substr($str, 0, $ltindex)), "<");
return false;
$gtindex = strpos($str, '>', 0);
if(!($gtindex === false)) {
$this->signalError("> is not allowed here.", ($context . substr($str, 0, $gtindex)), ">");
return false;
$startIndex = 0;
$endIndex = 0;
for(;;) {
$startIndex = strpos($str, '&', $endIndex);
if($startIndex === false) {
return true;
$endIndex = strpos($str, ';', $startIndex);
if($endIndex === false) {
$this->signalError("Found & but no matching semicolon.", ($context . $str), "");
return false;
if($str{$startIndex} == '#') {
$charnum = 0;
if($str{$startIndex + 1} == 'x') {
$charnumstr = substr(
($startIndex + 2),
($endIndex - $startIndex - 2)
if (preg_match("/^([0-9]|[A-Z])+\$/i", $charnumstr)) {
$charnum = intval($charnumstr, 16);
} else {
$this->signalError("Bad hexadecimal character reference.", ($context . substr($str, 0, $startIndex)), ("#x" . $charnumstr . ";"));
return false;
if(($charnum > 126) && ($charnum < 160)) {
$this->signalError("Bad reference to a CP1252 character.", ($context . substr($str, 0, $startIndex)), ("#x" . $charnumstr . ";"));
return false;
} else {
$charnumstr = substr(
($startIndex + 1),
($endIndex - $startIndex - 1)
if (preg_match("/^[0-9]+\$/", $charnumstr)) {
$charnum = intval($charnumstr, 10);
} else {
$this->signalError("Bad decimal character reference.", ($context . substr($str, 0, $startIndex)), ("#" . $charnumstr . ";"));
return false;
if(($charnum > 126) && ($charnum < 160)) {
$this->signalError("Bad reference to a CP1252 character.", ($context . substr($str, 0, $startIndex)), ("#" . $charnumstr . ";"));
return false;
} else {
$entityName = substr(
($endIndex - $startIndex)
if(!$this->entities[$entityName]) {
$this->signalError("Bad entity reference.", ($context . substr($str, 0, $startIndex)), ($entityName . ";"));
return false;
function nextNonIdentifierChar(&$str, $start) {
$len = strlen($str);
for($i = $start; $i < $len; $i++) {
if( ord($str{$i}) < 48 ||
(ord($str{$i}) > 57 && ord($str{$i}) < 65) ||
(ord($str{$i}) > 90 && ord($str{$i}) < 97) ||
ord($str{$i}) > 122
) {
return $i;
return $i;
function nextNonWhiteSpace(&$str, $start) {
$len = strlen($str);
$char = "";
for($i = $start; $i < $len; $i++) {
$char = $str{$i};
($char != ' ') &&
(ord($char) != 10) &&
(ord($char) != 11) &&
(ord($char) != 13)
) {
return $i;
return $i;
function isWhiteSpace(&$str) {
$len = strlen($str);
$char = "";
for($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) {
$char = $str{$i};
($char != ' ') &&
(ord($char) != 10) &&
(ord($char) != 11) &&
(ord($char) != 13)
) {
return false;
return true;
function checkAttr($tagstr, &$gi, &$context) {
/* real #REQUIRED check needed. Fix me. */
if(($gi == "img") && (strpos($tagstr, 'alt=', 0) === false)) {
$this->signalError("Required attribute alt missing.", $context, $tagstr);
return null;
$startIndex = $this->nextNonIdentifierChar($tagstr, 1);
$attrTable = array();
$out = $out = "<" . $gi;
while($startIndex < strlen($tagstr) - 1) {
$endIndex = $this->nextNonWhiteSpace($tagstr, $startIndex);
if($tagstr{$endIndex} == '>') {
$tmp = strtolower(substr(
($endIndex - $startIndex))
if(!$this->isWhiteSpace($tmp)) {
$this->signalError("Bogus chars between attributes.", $context, $tagstr);
return null;
$out .= $tmp;
if($tagstr{$endIndex} == '>') {
if(strlen($tmp) == 0) {
$this->signalError("No white space between closing quote and next attribute name.", $context, $tagstr);
return null;
$startIndex = $endIndex;
$endIndex = $this->nextNonIdentifierChar($tagstr, $startIndex);
$attName = strtolower(substr(
($endIndex - $startIndex))
if($attrTable[$attName]) {
$this->signalError("Duplicate attribute $attName.", $context, $tagstr);
return null;
if($this->attlist[$gi][$attName]) {
$attrTable[$attName] = 1;
} else {
$this->signalError("The element $gi has no attribute called $attName.", $context, $tagstr);
return null;
$out .= $attName;
$startIndex = $endIndex;
$endIndex = strpos($tagstr, '=', $startIndex);
if($endIndex === false) {
$this->signalError("= not found.", $context, $tagstr);
$tmp = strtolower(substr(
($endIndex - $startIndex))
if(!$this->isWhiteSpace($tmp)) {
$this->signalError("Non-whitespace between attribute name and =.", $context, $tagstr);
return null;
$out .= $tmp;
$out .= "=";
$startIndex = $endIndex + 1;
$endIndex = strpos($tagstr, '"', $startIndex);
if($endIndex === false) {
$this->signalError("" not found.", $context, $tagstr);
$tmp = strtolower(substr(
($endIndex - $startIndex))
if(!$this->isWhiteSpace($tmp)) {
$this->signalError("Non-whitespace between = and ".", $context, $tagstr);
return null;
$out .= $tmp;
$out .= '"';
$startIndex = $endIndex + 1;
$endIndex = strpos($tagstr, '"', $startIndex);
if($endIndex === false) {
$this->signalError("" not found.", $context, $tagstr);
$tmp = substr(
($endIndex - $startIndex)
($context . substr($tagstr, 0, $startIndex))
)) {
return null;
$out .= $tmp;
$out .= '"';
$startIndex = $endIndex + 1;
return $out . ">";
function signalError($message, $context, $problem) {
$this->htmlError =
"<p class=\"syntax-error-message\"><strong>Error: </strong>"
. $message . "</p>\n" . "<p class=\"syntax-error-context\"><code>"
. htmlspecialchars($context) . "<em>" . htmlspecialchars($problem)
. "</em></code></p>";
function checkHTMLsyntax(&$input, $rootModel) {
$output = "";
$index = $this->nextNonWhiteSpace($input, 0);
$temp = 0;
$tempstr = "";
$stack = array($rootModel);
$anchorInStack = false;
while($index < strlen($input)) {
if($input{$index} == '<') {
$temp = strpos($input, '>', $index);
if($temp === false) {
$this->signalError("Tag without >!", $output, "");
return null;
$tempstr = substr($input, $index, ($temp - $index));
if($input{$index + 1} == '/') {
$nonGiIndex = $this->nextNonIdentifierChar($tempstr, 2);
$gi = strtolower(substr($tempstr, 2, ($nonGiIndex - 2)));
/* Check that there is only white space between the end of the GI and the > */
if(!$this->isWhiteSpace(substr($tempstr, $nonGiIndex, (strlen($tempstr - 1) - $nonGiIndex)))) {
$this->signalError("Bogus chars in closing tag after GI!", $output, $tempstr);
return null;
if($gi == array_pop($stack)) {
$output .= strtolower($tempstr);
if($gi == 'a') {
$anchorInStack = false;
} else {
$this->signalError("Mismatched closing tag ($gi)!", $output, $tempstr);
return null;
} else {
$nonGiIndex = $this->nextNonIdentifierChar($tempstr, 1);
$gi = strtolower(substr($tempstr, 1, ($nonGiIndex - 1)));
if(($tempstr = $this->checkAttr($tempstr, $gi, $output)) == null) {
return null;
/* nesting check */
if($gi == 'a' && $anchorInStack) {
$this->signalError("Can't nest anchors!", $output, $tempstr);
return null;
if($this->dtd[$stack[count($stack) - 1]][$gi]) {
$output .= $tempstr;
if(!($this->empty[$gi])) {
array_push($stack, $gi);
if($gi == 'a') {
$anchorInStack = true;
} else {
$this->signalError("Bad element nesting! (Possible cause: Attempt to put block content where only inline content is allowed or vice versa. Check for missing paragraph opening and closing tags.)", $output, $tempstr);
return null;
} else {
$temp = strpos($input, '<', $index);
if($temp === false) {
$temp = strlen($input);
$tempstr = substr($input, $index, ($temp - $index));
if($this->isWhiteSpace($tempstr)) {
$output .= $tempstr;
} else {
if($this->dtd[$stack[count($stack) - 1]]['PCDATA']) {
if(!$this->isGoodPCDATA($tempstr, $output)) {
return null;
$output .= $tempstr;
} else {
$this->signalError("Can't put char data here! Possible reason: missing opening tag.", $output, $tempstr);
return null;
$index = $temp;
if(array_pop($stack) == $rootModel) {
return $output;
} else {
$this->signalError("Unclosed elements left in stack but input ended.", $output, "");
return null;