A quick table of WAI-ARIA roles and what HTML 5 provides natively for each role as of July 2007.
roletype | Various (this is like an abstract superclass) |
widget | Various (this is a superclass, too) |
input | input , textarea , select
textbox | input type='text' , textarea
select | select
range | input type='range'
section | section and implicit sections induced by headings
and the outline algorithm
sectionhead | h1 , h2 , h3 , h4 ,
h5 , h6
window | The top-level browsing context, html
link | a , link
combobox | input type='text' list='...' , input
type='email' list='...' , input type='url' list='...'
option | option
checkbox | input type='checkbox'
checkboxtristate | Missing |
radio | input type='radio'
radiogroup | input type='radio' elements having the same value
for the name attribute
button | input type='button' , button
menuitemradio | command type='radio'
menuitemcheckbox | command type='checkbox'
progressbar | progress
secret | input type='password'
separator | hr
slider | input type='range'
spinbutton | input type='number' step='...' min='...' max='...'
textarea | textarea , * contenteditable='true'
textfield | input type='text'
tree | datagrid (note that datagrid is not a
pure tree but a grid whose rows can be collapsed)
treegroup | Sibling rows inside a datagrid —ability to
subdivide such groups missing
treeitem | A row inside a datagrid
status | Missing |
alert | Missing |
alertdialog | Missing |
dialog | Missing |
presentation | Missing |
application | Missing |
document | html
group | For grouping form parts: fieldset —in the general
case: missing
imgroup | figure for captioned single image—multi-image
grouping missing
directory | Missing |
region | iframe , article
liveregion | output
log | Missing |
grid | datagrid
gridcell | A cell inside the datagrid model.
tabpanel | Missing (removed deliberately; used to be in earlier drafts) |
tab | Missing |
tabcontent | Missing (removed deliberately) |
table | table
td | td
th | th
rowheader | th scope='row'
columnheader | th scope='column'
list | ol , ul
listitem | li
menu | menu
toolbar | created implicitly in the when there’s at least one menu
menubar | Missing (deliberately, AFAIK) |
menuitem | command
breadcrumbs | nav denotes navigation in general. It isn’t
guaranteed to denote breadcrumbs specifically, though.