The Last of the Parsing Quirks

I implemented a single quirk for HTML5 parsing yesterday.

March 1995
Netscape 1.1 beta 1 is released with table support. Table closes a paragraph implicitly.
August 1995
Internet Explorer 1.0 is released. Table does not close a paragraph.
May 1996
The IETF publishes experimental RFC 1942 which says that table is block level content like paragraphs (i.e. closes paragraph implicitly).
January 1997
The W3C publishes HTML 3.2 with a DTD that makes tables close paragraphs implicitly in an SGML parser.
December 1997
The W3C publishes HTML 4.0 with a DTD that makes tables close paragraphs implicitly in an SGML parser.
April 1998
The W3C revises HTML 4.0 without changing the DTD on the point of paragraphs and tables.
December 1999
The W3C publishes HTML 4.01 without changing the DTD on the point of paragraphs and tables.
May 2000
IE5 for Mac is released. It is the first shipping browser to have a quirks mode and a standards mode.
July 2001
A bug is filed saying that Mozilla is wrong in not making table close a paragraph implicitly and that Mozilla should start closing paragraphs in the standards mode.
October 2001
IE6 is released. It is the first version of IE for Windows that has a quirks mode and a standards mode. A table doesn’t close a paragraph in either mode.
June 2003
The Mozilla bug is fixed making Mozilla close paragraphs upon tables in the standards mode. The quirks-mode behavior is left to not closing a paragraph upon a table.
April 2005
The Web Standards Project publishes the Acid2 test made by Ian Hickson and Håkon Lie. To pass the test, a user agent must close a paragraph upon table (in the standards mode).
April 2005
In order to pass Acid2, Safari is changed to make a table close a paragraph in the standards mode. The quirks-mode behavior is left to not closing a paragraph upon a table.
May 2005
In order to pass Acid2, Opera is changed to make a table close a paragraph in the standards mode. The quirks-mode behavior is left to not closing a paragraph upon a table.
January 2006
Ian Hickson changes the comment parsing part of Acid2 and blogs about it.
February 2006
Ian Hickson publishes the first draft of the HTML5 parsing algorithm. It makes a table close a paragraph but the source code of the spec contains a comment saying “XXX quirks: don't do this”.
November 2006
IE7 is released. A table doesn’t close a paragraph in either mode.
March 2008
A preliminary version of IE8 passes Acid2 when hosted on
February 2009
I file a spec bug requesting parsing quirks be defined.
March 2009
IE8 is released. It has four layout modes. To pass Acid2, the new ones make a table close a paragraph. The parser behavior of <p><table> is now the only HTML parsing difference between the quirks and standards modes that is interoperably implemented in all of the top 4 browser engines.
March 31st 2009
Ian Hickson asks for vendor input about parsing quirks.
April 1st 2009
I start a thread about finding vendor input in Mozilla’s platform development newsgroup. The <p><table> issue seems to be the only quirk left.
April 1st 2009
Philip Taylor uses the HTML Parser to compile a list of dmoz-listed pages where closing paragraph vs. not closing would lead to different parse trees.
April 21st 2009
Simon Pieters analyzes 50 sites from Philip’s list concluding that “our options regarding <p><table> parsing are (1) having the quirk, and (2) changing Acid2”.
April 22nd 2009
I check in an implementation of the quirk into the Gecko HTML5 parsing repository.
May 26th 2009
Hixie checks in the definition of the quirk into the HTML5 spec. The commit also includes this comment: “i hate myself (this quirk was basically caused by acid2; if i'd realised we could change the specs when i wrote acid2, we could have avoided having any parsing-mode quirks) -Hixie”

A big thank you to Philip Taylor and Simon Pieters for their research (both the feasibility research and the timeline research).