So the W3C launched a logo for HTML5. And not just for HTML5-the-spec but for HTML5-the-buzzword. Regardless of the logo itself or what it stands for, I find the choice of the ancillary visual elements weird.
If you generate a vertical badge for showing off that you are using HTML5 semantics and HTML5 CSS3 styling, you get the image shown here. I find the imagery odd. I can understand that trying to communicate the concept of semantics visually is a hard task. But of all things, do you really have to go for military insignia?
The symbol for semantics is very clearly the rank insignia for a sergeant. (The orientation varies by country, but the orientation used by the W3C is used at least by Finland, Sweden and the United States.)
I have trouble pinning down where exactly the symbol for style comes from, but I think it has some kind of a police vibe.
As for the star, it sure looks like something I have seen on an American military vehicle. Oh, here:
Seems to go back at least to the Second World War:
Do we really want to evoke military associations with HTML5? Militaries exert violence. Could we, please, promote HTML5 with more peaceful imagery?