Package org.whattf.datatype

Class Summary
AbstractDatatype Common superclass for HTML5 datatypes.
AbstractDatetime Superclass for various datetime datatypes.
Date This datatype shall accept strings that conform to the format specified for date inputs in Web Forms 2.0.
Datetime This datatype shall accept strings that conform to the format specified for datetime inputs in Web Forms 2.0.
DatetimeLocal This datatype shall accept strings that conform to the format specified for datetime-local inputs in Web Forms 2.0.
DatetimeTz This datatype shall accept strings that conform to the format specified for datetime attribute of the ins and del elements in Web Applications 1.0.
Html5DatatypeLibrary Factory for HTML5 datatypes.
Html5DatatypeLibraryFactory The factory for datatype library autodiscovery.
Id This datatype shall accept any string that consists of one or more characters and does not contain any whitespace characters.
Idref This datatype shall accept any string that consists of one or more characters and does not contain any whitespace characters.
Idrefs This datatype shall accept any string that consists of one or more characters and contains at least one character that is not a whitespace character.
Pattern This datatype shall accept the strings that are allowed as the value of the Web Forms 2.0 pattern attribute.
Week This datatype shall accept strings that conform to the format specified for week inputs in Web Forms 2.0.